Javascript Code Get All Image URLs from String

Using Regedit, Get All the Urls of Images (jpe?g|png|gif) Found in a String. 2 Regedit Examples [1] One Regedit to Get All Images not Taking into Account Query Strings ?q=sdf89023&xl=w23srf [2] Regedit that DOES Take into Account Image URL Query Strings

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Searching the internet for regedit code that actually works for getting image urls in a string is a daunting task that is fraught with lots of wrong answers. Try the 2 regedit solutions below for finding all image urls contained in a string.

REGEX FOR GETTING IMAGE URLS (not taking into account any query strings after the url ie

REGEX FOR GETTING IMAGE URLS (taking into account any possible query string)

Play around with the regedit tool below to see for yourself the regedit code for finding images urls in strings, which is not the same as finding image urls.